Let me tell you, Lana is too cute because just as her feet hit the ground, she went as fast as she could to go play. This girl loves to be on the go and she thoroughly enjoyed being at the park, especially the swing!!
Next, we stopped off at the little market and pick up some fresh strawberries to eat!
Don’t those strawberries look delicious? Believe me; they tasted just as delicious as they appear in the picture. Lana's expressions provide the proof!
Lana ate some bananas with her strawberries!! mmmmm~yummy~
We called it a day after we stopped by our neighbor’s house and chatted for a bit. In the meantime, Lana had dinner and another bath, read some books and now sleeping serenely in her bed. It’s 7:00 pm. BJ and Jayce are on their way home from Jayce’s baseball game. They received their new uniforms and had pictures taken before the game. (I’ll post some of what BJ took at the game later this week).
Monday Memories
Oh- I almost forgot. As I was holding and hugging Lana before I put her to bed, I glanced over at a picture of my Grandmother, and at that moment, decided I would start a new Monday post thing called, Monday Memories. I’m going to kick this off with that photograph of my Grandmother. Be sure to check back next week because I’m going to share a picture of Regina (BJ’s mom). Her birthday was recently and because I did not have my blog going at that time I did not get a chance to provide birthday wishes to her, so I thought I would make up for it next week. Now, I’m back to my assignment. This photo was taken my grandmother’s senior year of high school. She was such a lovely lady. When I scanned the picture I kept it in the original frame-I don’t think it has ever been removed.