Friday, May 22, 2009

Fashion Friday

Fashion and shopping go hand in hand. You can’t have one without the other. I really enjoy shopping!! What girl does not?! Well, maybe a select few, but most women have fun shopping. It’s a thrill to find the cutest dress that you’ve been looking for or a bargain on a beautiful pair of Christian Louboutin shoes!! The list goes on and on… depending on your needs and wants.

You may or may not mirror this same perspective on shopping. But, I thought I would share some insight on my thoughts. Recently I was on the phone with my cousin and I was telling her about a cute outfit I ordered from Neiman Marcus. She stopped me and said, “Oh, you mean Needless Markup?!” We laughed, because that is so funny and partially true and then we talked some more. After I hung up the phone I did not think twice about the conversation.

On the other hand, some girls would have talked smack and it could have gone something like this once the conversation had ended and they went their separate ways. “Oh my gosh…Like she thinks she can afford to shop there?!” or “Whatever, she has no class because she called Neiman Marcus, Needless Markup!” (Thank goodness my cousin and I are more mature than that!)

Why do people (women in particular) do this? Is it because of their own hang ups with money? Or is it because they are just too opinionated and judgmental? Whatever the reason, I don’t play that game. In my opinion, it does not matter where a person goes shopping or the brand of clothing they choose to wear, it’s about being true to oneself and making choices that reflect your style and wellbeing. There are a gazillion places to shop and millions of options, the possibilities are endless!!

My point being, make clear conscious choices based on needs and wants, not to impress others or entertain the notion of social class status.

Happy shopping…. wherever it may be…