Friday, May 15, 2009

Fashion Friday

Yippee... It’s Friday! So that means my first Fashion Friday post. How cool is that?! Since we are in Sicily, I thought I would begin with my two favorite Italian designers (Dolce&Gabbana and Prada) and my love of handbags, which I expressed in this post about my trip to Milan. There is no better way to represent Italy than those designers.

I love summertime here on the island!! The Sicilian sun is ever shinning and it is a must to have a great pair or two of shades. I’m not speaking of a cheap pair that you buy for an occasional trip to the pool. No, here on the island it is imperative to invest in a high quality pair of sunglasses. The minute you walk outdoors you need them because the sun is so bright!! For my birthday, one of the things I received was a new pair of sunglasses.

I absolutely love these and so thankful that BJ recognizes fashion and quality because he picked them out for me.

This is me being goofy after I took the sunglasses out of the box!

Okay, so this morning I am at Jayce’s dental appointment seated in the waiting area, and I picked up a magazine. While skimming through the pages I came across the headline, “Borrow The Handbags You Love!” Since I have an obsession for handbags of all sorts, it caught my attention. Now, you may have already heard of something like this, but I guess because we are here, I’m totally out of the loop on this one. This really took me by surprise, a website, BagBorrowOrSteal where you can rent designer handbags.


This evening after we got home I had to see this for myself. That may or may not be for you, but definitely check it out because it’s funny to me all the ideas that people come up with! I don’t think I will be renting any handbags, but maybe I should rent mine out to others?! There’s a thought!

NEVER — they’re all mine!! LOL

This is my most favorite Prada handbag. BJ bought it for me a few years ago...Now, that is the ultimate hook-up for the fashion obsessed!!

Until next Friday…