Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Lazy Days Of Summer

I love summer time!! I think it’s the greatest because I don’t have to worry about alarm clocks or homework, etc… the list goes on and on. There is something very special about the simplicity of just hanging around the house in PJ’s and finding ways to occupy time, in our household we are normally doing one of the following: reading books, playing games/computer, listening to music, drawing, watching movies, or talking with friends. It’s a breath of fresh air from having jam-packed days…. Oh, the joys of lazy summers!

We were on the same page with our neighbors today, because after Lana woke up from a nap (2pm) we were outside (in our PJ’s) and our neighbors came over and they were still in their PJ’s! I had to get a picture of the boys because it totally reflects the contentment of relaxation. It’s just a little reminder that we all need to slow down sometimes and enjoy the simple pleasures of life!

Jayce, Nathaniel, and Joshua (July, 2009)