Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloweeeen!!

Ok. This may be a bit disappointing, but we decided last minute not to dress up this year for Halloween. First of all, the kids went trick or treating here in housing on the 30th along with the local nationals. And, the times that they would be out and about Lana would be in bed. Nonetheless, we did have a nice time passing out candy to all the little ones and we did get a few pictures before Lana went to bed.

The base started the fall festival on the 31st, which we went to. Although we did not dress up we had a blast. And, BJ and I had a little fun because I wore a Texas shirt and he wore Oklahoma. Of course, I’m an OU fan, but Texas does hold a special place in my heart because Jayce was born there! It was however, amusing to see everyone’s reaction when we walked around. LOL! The haunted house on base was awesome; those guys did an amazing job, it was fearsome!! Actually, the whole event was incredible. There was a number of things going on.. It was like a miniature state-fair. Good times!! I hope everyone had a memorable day…..

Thanks PAPA for the light stick.

Lana was amazed with this globe in the pic above and below.

This is TOTALLY wrong.. heheehehe!
YIPPPEEEE--Cotton CANDY for me on Halloween.
Thanks Daddy!!