Wednesday, October 29, 2008

All Hollows Day

Speaking of traditions in my previous post, I wanted to share a bit of history in this post about Halloween and its origin. Quite a few years ago we were at Mass which happen to fall on Halloween and the Priest spoke in his homily about “All Hollows Day” which is also known as “All Saints Day". He continued to share in detail how it came about that people would dress up in costumes, the reasons for Jack-o’-Lanterns, etc…(which is similar to the information provided on the above link) This had a huge impact on me due to the fact that I’m a spiritual person, which I shared in my post about reflection and faith, but also because of my appreciation for the Catholic traditions and instilling those customs with my son and daughter. My husband had a very strong Catholic upbringing and I feel proud that we are providing our children with the greatest gift of FAITH. Ever since I heard that sermon I have a new found appreciation for reasons why my family endulges in Halloween, candy and all!

Jayce and me in North Carolina on Halloween.

Will and Jayce on Halloween in Florida. Jayce was a undead Harry Potter.

BJ (Will) looking very eerie.

I love this picture of Jayce and his AMAZING laugh, need I say more?


Jayce as a SUPER NINJA conquering the world.

Halloween party in Florida.