Monday, September 5, 2011

First Home-Improvement Project

Aside from buying odds and ends for the “new house”, we decided to start our first home-improvement project by adding moldings around the windows downstairs off the family room, kitchen, and breakfast area. We hired a contractor to install the moldings around eight windows, and then we sealed it with caulking before painting. Check out the before and after. *note: we do plan to paint the kitchen/breakfast area an olive green color and I will add a round braided green rug for the finishing touch. We will also install different lighting, but I'll share more about that later.



Focus on the small window above the door.

Now look at the window above the door.

This is a built in desk in the kitchen area. It’s great for our busy networking family.

This is a small window in the kitchen area. It looks great.  We are not done in this area... I don't want to say just yet what we plan to do, but it's extra special for me!

Here is a wider view of the area.

Next, we are adding chair railing and other decorative molding to the formal dining area. It’s wonderful to see my new home transform into everything we have desired for. It reminds me of a French Country Villa or Chateau. Stay tuned for more….