Friday, September 10, 2010

More Random Stuff

Okay. This will be my last random post for a while, but nothing really has been happening. Well, I take that back, many things have been happening, we have been extremely busy, I just have not been tagging along my camera that often. I did change purses so I placed my pocket size Sony camera in my current handbag, maybe I can get something great on here soon.

Lana having a snack with her baby!

Hanging out in a race car… VROOM!

Some time ago, my husband learned to "build" (for lack of a better word) his own gaming computers. He has built many for his friends and coworkers as well as taught other people how to build them. Recently, he ordered all the parts for new gaming computers for himself and Jayce. Of course, he is always teaching Jayce everything he needs to know to fix/build his own someday.