Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Shhhh.. It's A Secret

I’m going to let you in on an inside joke with us. But, first I have some questions. These may be odd questions, but I have to ask…

Do you know how to whistle?

Can you whistle a tune?

Well, for me, I can only whistle a very basic tune. Your probably thinking, who cares..

What’s the big deal?

Well, to give you a bit of history and perspective on why a whistle can have so much significance (and hopefully a good laugh) you have to understand my husband’s side of the family (this is for those of you who do not know).

My husband is the oldest of his siblings. He grew up in the same household with his brother, but also has 2 step-brothers and a sister. When they all go shopping together (total of 7 people-siblings and parents) they have this “thing” they do when they get separated so they can locate each other and go on about their shopping or whatever. This “thing” is a whistle.

The first time I went to the store with them as a group, it was quite embarrassing to be around all them whistling when someone wandered off, but interesting enough, it worked! Over time, I, of course, accepted this and my husband willing taught our son the whistle.

Now to really understand you need to hear the sound.. So click on the link below (its safe), then click download, then open to hear it. You may want to listen to it a couple of time! LOL.

(click me to hear the whistle)

That was Jayce by the way… OK back to my story.

The whistle sounds easy enough, huh? And, if you practice you could probably get it.

Well, for me it’s not that easy. I can never get it. My husband and I have been together for nearly 16 years and I can’t do it. I’m always the odd one out!! Before we get ready to visit his family, we practice and practice, it turns into this joke and of course the boys make fun of me.

So one day I proposed that we come up with a new whistle, which did not work out so well considering I cannot whistle that much anyway. BJ and Jayce continued to tease me, so I suggested again that we have a new sound; it goes something like this.

(click me to hear the new sound)

Jayce starts laughing hysterically at me and said, “Yeah, right mom. We’re not a family of seagulls!”

This has been an ongoing inside joke with us and always brings a smile when I hear them do their “thing” in the store. Occasionally Jayce will do the other “seagull” sound to be silly. And it really does sound comical hearing it echo down the aisle in a store! LOL!!!

Ok. I admit it. We’re a little goofy.