Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Travel Tuesday- Audi In The Alps

Driving In The Bavarian Alps
There is nothing better than going on a scenic drive in the twisty mountains of the Bavarian Alps, in an Audi. It was GREAT!! I don’t have the time to share all the details about the drive, but it was stunning and so peaceful compared to driving in Italy.

The top picture is just before we left that morning for our adventure of exploring on our own. And, the bottom is Jayce helping load up the vehicle. The Audi was incredible. It’s going to be a tough decision for me when I have to decide on a new vehicle. It’s a tossup between the Mercedes Benz and the Audi…. (I’ll keep you posted).

Continuing on… I’ll be blogging about our northern Italy road trip even further within the next few weeks. I just have to get through this crunch of school and then I can dedicate more time and details to future posting.

Here is a quick picture to preview our trip to the Neuschwanstein Castle, which was the inspiration for the Disney castle. I will share more details about this trip later as well…