Friday, September 12, 2008

Military Housing Italian Style

Yesterday during my walk with Lana before we headed to the gym I took some pictures of the military housing area we live in. We are required to live in housing and do not have any other choice, but it’s not totally terrible. It is much nicer than the housing we lived in while my husband was stationed at Cherry Point! Here in Sicily, we are nestled in the mountains and have great views around us. The air is clean, except for when you smell Geep. ( A Geep is a mix of a sheep and goat, but that’s another story). The housing department here in Sicily keeps the common areas very nice. We live in the housing that is further from the main base (about 40 minutes) so we have a small commissary here on the compound as well as a recreation center for the children that is also used for mass and other events, small gym, fire department, and a small Italian bar. Below are some pictures of the common areas.

This is the baseball field and next to it is a football field, but it's not in the picture. The pictures below are some common areas that are located throughout housing.

The picture below is the view of a local town and other common areas.

The picture below is the common area where the Commissary, Bar, Gym, and Fire Department are located.

Below is the housing office, bus stop to get to the main base, and some of the recreation center.

The above picture is the entrance into the Commissary.

The gym here is small; however, the gym on the main base is incredible!

Lana looking cute as usual in her Stokke Explory stroller with me at the gym!