Friday, April 23, 2010

Fashion Friday

500 Days of Summer

I have a thing that I do. I relate people I know with celebrities. Sometimes, I think of a person’s celeb twin right away, and other times, it takes awhile. Well, not too long ago, we rented the movie 500 days of summer. I am sure you have seen it, if not check it out. It is a cute movie and I adore the actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt. He is Jayce’s celebrity twin! Jayce especially mirrors him in this particular movie because of his -prep-hipster vests, which Jayce totally loves to wear.

When we left the states Jayce was a young boy, and now you can see a glimpse of the young man he is becoming and his style of fashion! From Affliction (his rock rebel side) to preppy—The boy has swagger!