Sunday, June 19, 2022

Summer Camp Drop Off, 2022

We finished packing Friday evening, spent Saturday relaxing and watching movies. Then early Sunday morning we headed for summer camp.  Lana looks forward to this day all year long.

The check-in process was a bit different this year, but it went very smoothly.  

Lana thrilled as always to be going back to camp.  

They displayed a sign for Fathers Day which I thought was super sweet!

Here we go... Girls straight ahead... Boys to the right!! :) :) :) 

There's one happy girl for ya! Smiles and all!! 😁😁

We loaded her belongings and then went to her cabin to set up! 

One more good bye to dad! 

They draw numbers on bunk bed after you enter the cabin.  Lana ended up on the bottom bunk again. I don't think all these years she has ever been on the top bunk.  

She quickly set up her bed, put shower caddy away, and organized some of her things.  

I took a few pics of the cabin before heading out. Lana is in a different cabin this year, which she is very excited about. I gave her one more SUPER SUPER big hug before leaving. It's hard to say goodbye, but I know she enjoys herself.  We love getting her letters and seeing the pics and videos that are posted daily. 

One final pic of Lana and Milo.  He whimpered when she had to say good bye to him.  It's gonna be a long few weeks for Milo.

Have fun lil Roo! 💗