Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A Very Charming Bakery

I have a major sweet tooth to say the least. I am always in search of the greatest bakeries! Please allow me to elucidate…. After visiting a train expedition with Bill and Teresa during their visit, we were leaving the shopping center and I spotted this charming café. I anxiously asked BJ to pull over so we could buy some goodies to satisfy my sweet tooth. He obliged. We all quickly piled out of the truck and went inside to buy something following dinner at The Olive Garden.

The café was charismatic with so many details that cause your mouth to water and crave the sweetness instantly.

The décor of the cafe was so rich and vivid in color with a touch of tradition combined with a more modern feel.

The menu has a wide selection of breakfast and lunch items, as well as tempting treats that would satisfy any sweet tooth.

On this particular day, we bought only desserts’ consisting of an assortment of cookies and cupcakes, a very delightful red velvet cupcake with cream cheese frosting was my favorite pick.

Enjoy seeking sweetness in everyday life!