Thursday, August 26, 2010

Love & Hope Thursday

Time Passes By Quickly

During the elementary school days, Jayce would often make ceramic gifts for me. He was always so sweet and genuine. He handled each one with such care by wrapping it all by himself. Each time I unwrapped one, I could not help but shed a tear. Today, I cannot grasp the fact that he is in high school. My baby boy is growing up so fast. I am not sure I am ready for all this, but I do know that time does pass by quickly, indeed. I am thankful for all those precious moments I’ve had.

I have several ceramic pieces he made throughout our home, located on bookshelves, tabletops, nightstands, and counters. Basically, everywhere. Each time I pass by and catch a glimpse of one, I remember and smile.

I’ve posted a few pictures, but hope to post more next Thursday.