Thursday, March 25, 2010

A Thought For Thursday

Warning! Warning! Warning!

There is a bit of venting in this post, which is unlike me, because I’d rather keep things positive. Hey, this is my blog, I can cry vent if I want to! (ha ha, I made a funny!)

A great deal has been happening on our end. We have three pack-outs (household goods, express shipment, and wine shipment) with the first one being in a week. It is both joyful and stressful. Generally, the movers take care of most everything in regards to packing and loading the goods, so that is not much of an issue. We just have to remove paintings, pictures, etc. from the walls. On the other hand, we have to pack our travel bags, separate the express shipment from the main shipment, and inventory the wine. Not to mention, I’m pretty meticulous about my organization so I’ve been busy making sure things are in order and ready to get packed. In addition, the day everything gets packed we receive the temporary furniture. Yes, we will be without our comforts of home for about 3 months (boo). It is exciting because we are closer to leaving yet stressful because everything will be out of sorts for quite some time. We will ship our vehicle prior to leaving and then once it arrives we will go to Dallas to pick it up. I’m looking forward to doing a little shopping there as well!

I’m learning that is far much better to let God handle the details of my life then it is for me to try and figure it out. It’s amazing how God opens your eyes! I’m changing as a person, I feel for the better, and making wiser choices.

On a more stressful note, I have been working on my final papers and preparing for my upcoming exams (Blah, my brain is fried). Even better, a positive note, I am so glad that this is my last semester of classes (Yippee-I’ll be finished soon).

You know I couldn’t end this post with anything negative. Life is about moving forward… enjoying and loving each moment even if there are a few hiccups along the way…

Whew, I’m happy now that I got all this off my mind…. Moving forward now.