Thursday, January 7, 2010

Love And Hope Thursday- Cookies

Special Memories

What is your favorite type of cookie? I personally like to eat warm freshly baked gooey chocolate chip cookies. I bake homemade chocolate chip cookies for my husband, they are his favorite treat. (The picture above is of the cookies I baked yesterday, don’t they look amazingly delicious?) The catch, it’s hard to please him. He wants the cookies a particular way, which translates into not too thin, soft, and never warm.

Why is he so picky? Let’s talk a little about his childhood. One of his favorite childhood memories of his mother is when his she would make him chocolate chip cookies, most of the time it would be raining outside, and he would sit by the window, watch the rainfall while drinking milk and eating the cookies.

How does this affect me? I’ve spent countless amounts of hours searching and experimenting with recipes in search of the “one” to recreate these special memories. Not to mention, if it rains I better whip up a batch cause as soon as he gets home he will say, “Chocolate chip cookies would be perfect on a day like this.”

Why go through all this trouble to please? Simply spoken, love. Not only the love I have for my husband but also for his mother. She has only been to visit us a few times since we have been away from home. It’s important to my husband and me to remember special moments we share with loved ones because we don’t get to live our daily lives near family members. Of course, we create our own special moments, establish new traditions to pass on to our children, but we hold family dear to our hearts.

Will I ever find the perfect recipe? Probably not. And that does not bother me. I know that no matter what types of cookies I make for him, those memories are with his mother, and that alone warms my heart. It is a quality that I admire about my husband; he loves his mother (and family) unconditionally. I am an excellent cook; I know my cookies are delicious! We associate certain taste and smells with memories... when those memories are heavenly it cannot be broken or altered, only somehow recreated to remember, smile, and be happy.