Sunday, February 8, 2009

Random Thoughts & Photo's

Today it has been raining most of the morning, so I’ve been cleaning and organizing as much as possible. BJ and I have been exercising together when he gets off work so I’m trying to get things better prepared for the long days ahead. I spend most of my time on base now than ever before. Still, I don’t think I can ever be completely caught up on things here at home or all the studying I need to take care of. Speaking of studying, I’m actually doing very well in my classes.

Jayce will begin basketball practice a few days a week therefore we are going to be extremely busy. We have a road trip planned for the next weekend BJ is not on-call. Maybe, just maybe, it will be a nice break from our hectic schedules and I’ll have some great pictures to post as well. We’ve been bouncing around some ideas for our next vacation this spring, but have not confirmed our final destination.

Lana is doing extremely well. She is developing a wonderful palate of foods. I’ve been very fortunate that both my children enjoy experiencing and tasting a variety of foods. Of course, Lana still has a long way to go, but Jayce is always complemented for his desire to explore new foods. He’s been quite lucky to be able to eat the French cuisine in Paris, Sicilian pastas, cheeses, and loads of breads. Not to mention all the other types of Italian cuisine and the yummy foods we have tasted elsewhere. Yet, he still loves a fine steak and all sorts of seafood. That boy can put away some crab legs! I do have to admit, the seafood here in Sicily is wonderful! Everyone who knows me well, can tell you that I do not like to eat seafood, but the seafood here is delicious, especially the swordfish! I must be hungry because I want to write about food. Moving on…

Jayce ended this past school term with a 3.8 GPA. I’m very proud of him, as a result we allowed him to buy himself his own paintball gun (thanks to family who rewarded him with additional funds). He ordered it this morning, and he is totally psyched! He’s plays quite a bit with his friends, but has been renting the equipment. Now, he will have his own!

This photo is not very good. I tried to upload a video, but the connection is too slow for it. Sorry. This was the only picture available.

I noticed that I have not mentioned much about BJ- it’s not due to lack of love, I love the guy dearly! But, he has a crazy duty schedule. Sadly, it keeps him away from home but we do the best we can to get through this time here. When I was reading about Gregg and his family picking orders, I kept thinking.. Gee, I can’t wait till we pick orders. I’m excited to get back to the states and settle down. Though, I am very thankful that I have been blessed the opportunity of being a stay at home mom. And, have been able to fulfill my desires of traveling and exploring other countries. With that being said, I don’t think I can explore everywhere in Europe I want to go during the short time we have been here, but it’s been a great start. La Dolce Vita!

I thought it would be cool to end the post with this sweet dessert!! This was taken when my mom came to visit and we went on a day trip to Ragusa, Italy which is known for it's ricotta cheese and wonderful desserts!!