Sunday, March 11, 2018

Recent Happenings

I've been putting off updating lately, we've been crazy busy with school.  Now that spring break has arrived, I have a moment to sit back, relax, and post some random cell phone pictures.

A new donut place has opened up near our house, It's ok.  

When the weather has been nice, we've been out riding our bikes with Lana.  We definitely need to upgrade to a bigger bike this summer.

 Early February, Will's brothers came to San Antonio for a hunting trip and stayed a night or two at our house.  It was a pleasure catching up with them. 

Recently Utah had a snow storm and Jayce shared pics... It's so beautiful in SLC.

 Jayce has been working on a game in his Capstone.  It's pretty cool. 

 Jayce submitted this character to the Blizzard art contest. 

That's all for now!!..... Peace out.