Friday, August 10, 2012

Fun In The Sun Poolside HB Yacht Club

After kayaking and making sand castles, we ventured over to the poolside for swimming, sunbathing, and lunch. I wanted to share my favorite aspect of the pool. (Check out picture below) Is it awesome or what? I have to tell ya, it was freaking SUPER! I cherished every moment of it and spent most of my time in there. It was actually an oversized three feet deep heated whirlpool.

The pool area.
Just us!

This patio area (pictured below) had views of the lake and multiple firepits. Beautiful at night!


My handsome kiddo!
Lana enjoyed running around... The atmosphere was stunning everywhere!

Goofballs below! LoL
I think the picture below is pretty cool.  That is straight out of the camera too!