Saturday, July 14, 2012

Horseshoe Bay Resort & Spa

After the recent loss of my aunt earlier this summer, life has taken on a completely different rhythm. As most of you know, because of grieving and being under so much stress, I have been keeping close to home, and it has been emotional. Traveling is my favorite joy, and we planned quite a few months ago a vacation to spend Jayce’s birthday at Horseshoe Bay Resort & Spa. Little did I know, how great it would really turn out to be.

We got up early and packed, headed to lunch, driving the back way, north to Marble Falls, Texas, where it was quiet, empty, and peaceful. We arrived at the resort and it is seemed completely secluded from the world. It was like our own little heaven. I have a profound amount of pictures to share, and will probably be slow pulling this one together (apologies!), hopefully you'll find it worth the wait….. To get started, I posted a few pictures of the drive into the resort. These were actually taken at night after arriving back from dinner in town.

I'll try to post more in a day or two... You are going to love the next round of images!