Thursday, July 7, 2011

Inspiration Is Bliss

I don’t know about you, but yesterday I did not accomplish much. I guess I ran out of steam due to traveling during the long weekend and Jayce having a friend over as soon as we arrived home. I spent a good amount of time sorting and washing clothes. Laundry aside, I dedicated some time to making cheddar biscuits. My family loves Red Lobster. I appreciate seafood, but I do not care for it all the time. Sometimes I just want to go to Red Lobster just to eat the cheddar biscuits. Because of this, it has inspired me to take a stab at my own version.

I made the dough, combined the cheese, and then kneaded the dough. Just look at those perfect spoonfuls of goodness!

Just before baking them in the oven…. I know I’m a tease!

A picture of them just before baking is complete.. They are almost ready to sink your teeth into.

Just a few minutes before they were finished baking, I took them out, brushed them with melted butter combined with herbs, spices, and placed them back in the oven to bake a few minutes more.

Lip smacking good!