Sunday, October 4, 2009

Start It Out Right Sunday-Perfection?

I Am An
Imperfect Angel
This morning, while cleaning, I was listening to Mariah Carey’s new album, Memoirs of an imperfect Angel, and I thought about how often I try to do everything perfectly. (Nobody is perfect, I try to remind myself, just do your best).

This past week, I have been trying to create the perfect lesson plans, and give the most perfect presentations, and have these teaching strategies down perfectly. When in reality, the classrooms are unpredictable and it takes experience, which comes in time…

I have a great routine here at home with balancing family time and their needs around my studies. On the other hand, since I’ve started these observations, and my goal is to have them completed by the end of the month, it has caused me to give up my personal time (exercising).

During these observations, it has been impossible to exercise on a regular basis with so much of myself being stretched to meet the needs of family and school (especially school). And, since I have not been exercising on a regular basis (partly because I washed my iPod, it was attached to my sports bra, and I can’t run without my music) it has created more stress, body aches, and restless nights. Which I am not accustomed to!

As a result, I am going to start it out right this week by first, buying another iPod, then get back to exercising!! (I just have to try my best to exercise as much as possible. More importantly, trust that I may not have the teaching stuff down perfectly at this moment, but I will be a great teacher soon enough).

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