Monday, June 25, 2018

Minor Project

I generally have projects going on in the summer, however this summer I didn't plan for anything major except to organize things better. Previously, I had organized all the drawers in the built in desk area so there was not much more do to except take down the old calendar and touch-up the area with paint. 

Will and Jayce hung the new dry erase board and other items. 
Looks beautiful if you ask me!  

I'm totally lovin' it! 


Welcome To Camp Video & More...



Summer Camp Updates...

I got a few pics of Lana today... Looks like she had a fun day at the lake....

She also picked her lifelong tribe...
 She is now part of the KIOWA TRIBE... 

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Summer Camp 2018

Lana finally went to summer camp this year!  She's been asking to go for about 2 years now.  Last year, I was close to letting her go, but decided against it.  She was so excited to say the least that I finally said yes this year!  The camp is a couple hours away from SA.  The grounds are beautiful!  I took a few pictures when we dropped her off...

We got her checked in...
Then went to her cabin...
She met her camp counselors and picked her bunk!  

They had a surprise for her when she entered the cabin...
I took a video, but I'll have to post it later... sorry.
I took one last pic with her before saying goodbye! 
The camp sends pics daily of their adventures.. It's exciting to see her having so much fun!  I have to admit, I miss her dearly. 

By the look of that smile, I can tell she is enjoying herself! 

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Lana 4th Grade Awards

Lana received a Reading Achievement and Writing Achievement award today.  She was also recognized for her Choir participation.  
Way to go baby girl!! 

Super proud of my girl!  Love you, Lana!